In Pokémon Horizons, Wakaba is a notable supporting character who contributes to the exploration-focused narrative of the series. As a member of the Rising Volt Tacklers, she provides a curious and adventurous perspective that complements the group’s dynamic. Her resourcefulness and enthusiasm for discovery make her a memorable addition, playing a vital role in uncovering the mysteries of the new regions and Pokémon featured in the series.

In Pokémon Masters, Misty returns as a fan-favorite character, showcasing her growth as a skilled Water-type Trainer. As the Cerulean City Gym Leader, she brings her expertise to the game’s sync pair battles, pairing with iconic Pokémon like Starmie. Misty’s inclusion highlights her enduring popularity in the franchise, offering players a nostalgic yet refreshed take on her character while emphasizing her role as a dependable and strategic ally in battles.

Meet the voice actor behind Wakaba and Misty- Reba Buhr!