In Hunter x Hunter, Knov is a key character during the Chimera Ant arc, serving as a strategic ally to the protagonists. A skilled Conjurer, his Nen ability, “Hide and Seek,” creates a multi-room dimension used for safe zones and strategic retreats, making him instrumental in the mission to infiltrate the Chimera Ant palace. Knov’s psychological breakdown after encountering the immense aura of the Royal Guards adds emotional depth to the arc, illustrating the mental toll even experienced Hunters face in the face of overwhelming danger. His contributions remain vital despite his eventual withdrawal from the front lines.
Meet the voice actor behind Knov- Grant George!
In Hunter x Hunter, Ponzo is a minor character who makes a notable impression during the Hunter Exam arc. Known for her intelligence and resourcefulness, she uses sedatives and clever traps to outmaneuver stronger opponents, showcasing her adaptability in high-stakes situations. Though she does not play a significant role in the overarching narrative, Ponzo’s presence highlights the diverse skills and strategies of the Hunter Exam participants, adding depth and variety to the early stages of the series.
Meet the voice actor behind Ponzo- Reba Buhr!