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Jojo’s Bizarre Trivia! (with the Battle Tendency Cast)
Hosted by Sophie
Audience members will be put into teams to fight it out for who's the biggest Jojo fan with trivia questions!
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Japanese Cultural Cues in Anime
Hosted by John
Since anime is made by Japanese artists for Japanese viewers, it's filled with Japanese cultural references that foreigners often don't spot or understand. This presentation explains frequently overlooked examples of Japanese culture that commonly appear in anime.
stpeteadmin stpeteadmin

Improvs do’s and don’ts – the yes and method
Hosted by Rhiannan
Do you like acting? Maybe you like anime panels? Want to learn how to improv like your favorite cosplayers and actors? Come play some games and learn a new skill!
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The Owl House Discovers Powerpoint
Hosted by PB
Well, Eda found out what Powerpoint was and demanded that the Owl House do a Powerpoint night on their favorite subjects. So, join as they all show off what chaos they put together for this night!
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Anime Jeopardy!
Hosted by Anais
How well do you know your favorite anime? Test your skills in this fun interactive game! Categories vary and prizes will be awarded!
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Sanrio Sleepover!
Hosted by Koimilk
Come join the Sanrio group for a fun sleepover! There will be lots of games, snacks, and music! And a fun Best in Sanrio contest.
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Anime Based on What?
Hosted by John
Everyone knows that anime covers a wide range of subjects, but exactly how far does anime go for inspiration? Come see samples of anime based on sources & subjects you never imagined! Karaoke battle anime!? Yo-yo competition anime!? Sumo anime!? Medical anime!? Religious anime!?
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Art Contest
Hosted by Mana-T Cosplay
It's a race to draw your fan art of your favorite characters then vote on who you thinks is the winner!
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Meet Gwen-Stacy!
Meet & Greet with Gwen-Stacy, public figure, and ace reporter for Florida Comic Cons.
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Blindness and Being Disabled and Reading Comic Books
Hosted by Chris
This panel will teach the audience how people who are blind and disabled enjoy comic books, and the importance of disabled characters in media.
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Piratical Cosplayed
Hosted by Captain Jack
Piratical Dos and Don't in the cosplay community and how to live the pirate's way of life.
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